Introducing Backendless Pro Community Edition: Free Single-Server Deployment
We’re excited to announce that Backendless is now even more accessible with the launch of the Community Edition: a free version of the Backendless platform for deployment on a single physical server. This change makes Backendless more accessible than ever, allowing established users who want to lower their overall cost of ownership to deploy quickly...

Backendless SDK for Android – Make Sure to Pick the Right Version

If you’re starting an Android project with Backendless and import our SDK library from Maven, please pay attention to the version number of the library. We have published a beta version of the 4.0 SDK into Maven central. When referencing Backendless in Android Studio, version 4 is the default one to popup. Unless you’re building with Backendless…

API Call/Minute Limit and How to Avoid It

This is a question we get very often: “How can I avoid rejected API calls when my app generates more calls than allowed by the plan’s limit?” To give you the context of the question – all Backendless plans have a limit of API calls/minute. With the free plan the limit is 300, the Cloud…