Introducing FlowRunner: Backendless’ New Automation Platform (Beta)
This holiday season, we’ve prepared a special stocking stuffer for our users! Introducing FlowRunner—a new tool that will revolutionize how you automate tasks and save time. We’re excited to share FlowRunner, a new system designed to help businesses automate tasks and save time. After almost two years of hard work, FlowRunner is now ready to...

Backendless Release 1.9.0 – Geoclustering, Data-to-Geo object relations, improved GIT integration and "export-as"

I am very happy to report that we released a new version of Backendless. The new release is tagged as version 1.9.0, which is a new numbering scheme for us – we used to label releases with names attached to various events. The new release is packed with features, improvements and bug fixes. I’d like…