Introducing Backendless Pro Community Edition: Free Single-Server Deployment
We’re excited to announce that Backendless is now even more accessible with the launch of the Community Edition: a free version of the Backendless platform for deployment on a single physical server. This change makes Backendless more accessible than ever, allowing established users who want to lower their overall cost of ownership to deploy quickly...

Introducing ‘Endless Tagging’ – an Open Source Sample App for Android

We just published an Android sample application to Google Play. The application demonstrates the usage of various Backendless APIs for some real-world use-case you may be implementing in your app. The application allows anyone to take a picture or use one from the gallery, upload it to the server and associate the picture with a…

iOS Push Notifications with Backendless

In this blog post we review the process of setting up and developing an iOS application capable to receive Apple Push Notifications. We also review the functionality of publishing a push notification through Backendless. Creating App ID First we are going to create an App ID for the application which will receive Push Notifications. Login…