
Clearbit API Service Plugin

Marketplace Product

Unlock the power of data with the Clearbit API Services plugin in Backendless Marketplace. Reliable and accurate data are critical to the success of any digital business. That’s where Clearbit’s API services come in – offering a suite of tools to help businesses gather, enrich, and understand data on their customers and prospects.

Now, with the new plugin available in the Backendless Marketplace, integrating these powerful services into your applications has never been easier. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at Clearbit’s four API services – Person, Combined, Company, and Prospector – and explore how they can help you gain deeper insights and make more informed decisions for your business.

Clearbit API Service Plugin

Clearbit is a data enrichment service that provides access to valuable information about individuals and companies. With the APIs available through the Backendless plugin, you can retrieve enriched data by providing a specific email address, company name, industry domain, or combined details. These APIs allow you to gather additional details such as social profiles, job titles, company information, and much more to complement the data you already have.

The paradigm of the Clearbit service is simple – provide the data you already have, such as an email address, the name of the company, or other details, and retrieve the enriched data back.

Installation Instructions

  1. Login to Backendless Console and select your app. Open the Marketplace screen, select the API Services section and install the Clearbit plugin from the Backendless Marketplace.
  2. During the installation, you are prompted to enter your Clearbit secret API key. Enter the key and click the Save button:
    Add Clearbit API Key secret
  3. To verify the installation, click the Cloud Code icon in Backendless Console and confirm that the Clearbit API service appears in the list of services.
    Verify Clearbit plugin successfully installed
  4. (If building your client side with code) Select your language of choice to download the client SDK generated specifically for the Clearbit service. If the language you would like to use does not show up in the list, you can still use the plugin via REST API.
    Note that you do not need an SDK to access the API via UI Builder or Codeless.
    Download SDK for Clearbit API service
  5. In case you want to provide a new Clearbit secret API key, click the gear icon, and In the menu, enter the secret API key and click the Save button.
    Add Clearbit secret API key

Using the Clearbit API Service

Once you install the Clearbit plugin from the marketplace, two data tables are created in the Backendless Cloud to store all data retrieved via the Clearbit’s API services.

When a user calls the Person, Combined, or Prospector APIs, then retrieved data is saved in the ClearbitPeople data table. The data obtained via the Company API is saved in the ClearbitCompanies data table.

You can also make your own implementation of the Clearbit API service in your application in order to use the retrieved data directly; you are not limited to the default data tables.

Tables automatically created by Clearbit plugin

Upon a successful invocation of one of the available API services, the corresponding object is returned and saved to the data table on the Backendless side. Both default data tables already have all columns set up to fit the incoming data.

Person API

This API allows the retrieval of detailed information about an individual based on their email address, name, job title, company, location, social media profiles, and more.



Endpoint URL:

The xxxx.backendless.app is a subdomain assigned to your application. For more information, see the Client-side Setup section of the Backendless documentation.


Request Headers:


Request Body: 


Response Body:

A JSON object containing information related to the requested individual.


email – Required parameter. String value. The email address of the person you want to retrieve information about. Clearbit will use this email to look up additional details such as social profiles, job titles, and company information.

givenName – Optional parameter. String value. The given name (i.e. first name) of the person. This can be used in combination with other parameters to narrow down the search results.

familyName – Optional parameter. String value. The family name (i.e. last name) of the person. This can be used in combination with other parameters to narrow down the search results. Significantly improves match rates.

ipAddress – Optional parameter. String value. The IP address of the person you are looking for. It is used to determine the person’s location and provide additional details based on geography. Significantly improves match rates.

location – Optional parameter. String value. The location of the person you are looking for. It is used to request additional data. This can be specified as a city or country.

company – Optional parameter. String value. The name of the company that the person you want to retrieve information about is associated with. This can be used to look up all individuals associated with that company.

companyDomain – Optional parameter. String value. The domain name of the company that the person you want to retrieve information about is associated with. This can be used to look up all individuals associated with that company, and can be a more reliable identifier than the company name.

linkedIn – Optional parameter. String value. The LinkedIn URL of the personal page of the person you want to retrieve information about. This can be used to look up additional details about the professional background of an individual.

twitter – Optional parameter. String value. The Twitter handle (i.e. @bobby) of the person you want to retrieve information about. Clearbit can use this to look up additional details about the person’s social media presence.

facebook – Optional parameter. String value. The Fecebook URL of the personal page of the person you want to retrieve information about. This can be used to look up additional details about the person’s social media presence.


The example below runs the enrichment procedure and gathers additional information associated with the following email address mark@backendless.com.

curl -X "GET" "https://xxxx.backendless.app/api/services/Clearbit/personEnrichment?email=mark@backendless.com" \

        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \

        -H 'Accept: application/json'

The operation returns an object containing additional information and saves this object to the ClearbitPeople data table.

    "indexedAt": "2023-04-14T15:03:38.331Z",
    "github": {
        "followers": 14,
        "following": 0,
        "handle": "markpiller",
        "company": "Backendless",
        "id": 120929,
        "avatar": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/120929?v=4",
        "blog": "backendless.com"
    "utcOffset": -5,
    "facebook": {
        "handle": null
    "timeZone": "America/Chicago",
    "bio": null,
    "avatar": "https://d1ts43dypk8bqh.cloudfront.net/v1/avatars/7b3b6c05-db4c-4742-bd81-60003b09751b",
    "employment": {
        "role": "leadership",
        "domain": "backendless.com",
        "name": "Backendless",
        "subRole": "founder",
        "title": "Founder",
        "seniority": "executive"
    "linkedin": {
        "handle": "in/markpiller"
    "clearbitId": "7b3b6c05-db4c-4742-bd81-60003b09751b",
    "geo": {
        "country": "United States",
        "lng": -96.79698789999999,
        "city": "Dallas",
        "countryCode": "US",
        "stateCode": "TX",
        "state": "Texas",
        "lat": 32.7766642
    "site": "http://backendless.com",
    "twitter": {
        "favorites": null,
        "site": null,
        "followers": null,
        "following": null,
        "bio": null,
        "statuses": null,
        "handle": null,
        "location": null,
        "id": null,
        "avatar": null
    "emailProvider": false,
    "gravatar": {
        "urls": [],
        "handle": "markpiller",
        "avatar": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/cb5cb6d5dc95c423d6619557e5404fc5",
        "avatars": [
                "type": "thumbnail",
                "url": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/cb5cb6d5dc95c423d6619557e5404fc5"
    "name": {
        "givenName": "Mark",
        "familyName": "Piller",
        "fullName": "Mark Piller"
    "location": "Dallas, TX, US",
    "email": "mark@backendless.com",
    "fuzzy": false,
    "googleplus": {
        "handle": null

Codeless Reference

Codeless Clearbit Person API service example

Company API

With this API, you can retrieve detailed information about a company such as its name, industry, location, employee count, revenue, and much more. This can help businesses better target their sales and marketing efforts and gain insights into potential partnership opportunities.



Endpoint URL:

The xxxx.backendless.app is a subdomain assigned to your application. For more information see the Client-side Setup section of the Backendless documentation.


Request Headers:


Request Body: 


Response Body:

A JSON object containing information related to the requested company.


domain – Required parameter. String value. The domain name of the company for which you want to retrieve information.

companyName – Optional parameter. String value. You can use this parameter to retrieve company information by its name.

linkedIn – Optional parameter. String value. A LinkedIn URL associated with the company. Used to enrich the data.

twitter – Optional parameter. String value. Identifies the Twitter handle (i.e. @backendless) associated with the company. Used to enrich the data.

facebook – Optional parameter. String value. A Facebook URL associated with the company. Used to enrich the data.


The example below runs the enrichment procedure and gathers additional information associated with the following domain name: https://backendless.com

curl -X "GET" "https://xxxx.backendless.app/api/services/Clearbit/companyEnrichment?domain=https://backendless.com" \

         -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \

         -H 'Accept: application/json'

The operation returns the corresponding object and saves it to the ClearbitCompanies data table.

    "parent": {
        "domain": null
    "description": "Backendless visual app development platform featuring UI Builder, database, and backend with Codeless logic and APIs - no code required.",
    "ultimateParent": {
        "domain": null
    "linkedin": {
        "handle": "company/backendless-corp"
    "type": "private",
    "foundedYear": 2012,
    "legalName": null,
    "geo": {
        "country": "United States",
        "streetName": "Dallas Parkway",
        "subPremise": "300",
        "lng": -96.8250468,
        "streetNumber": "2591",
        "streetAddress": "2591 Dallas Parkway #300",
        "city": "Frisco",
        "countryCode": "US",
        "postalCode": "75034",
        "stateCode": "TX",
        "state": "Texas",
        "lat": 33.0997979
    "twitter": {
        "site": "https://t.co/YSrZrmipx3",
        "followers": 1628,
        "following": 143,
        "bio": "Build faster, scale infinitely with the most robust visual app development platform. UI Builder, APIs, real-time database, & more, coding optional. Start free!",
        "handle": "Backendless",
        "location": "Cloud",
        "id": "715489592",
        "avatar": "https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1497633925941932037/1hwH6ML0_normal.png"
    "emailProvider": false,
    "logo": "https://logo.clearbit.com/backendless.com",
    "tech": [
    "indexedAt": "2023-04-26T09:18:56.816Z",
    "ticker": null,
    "utcOffset": -5,
    "identifiers": {
        "usEIN": null
    "facebook": {
        "handle": "backendless",
        "likes": 2681
    "timeZone": "America/Chicago",
    "domainAliases": [
    "clearbitId": "d1774122-b917-4370-9ce4-9fdee63fc68d",
    "tags": [
        "Information Technology & Services",
    "crunchbase": {
        "handle": "organization/backendless"
    "site": {
        "emailAddresses": [
        "phoneNumbers": [
            "+1 408-792-7757"
    "phone": null,
    "domain": "backendless.com",
    "techCategories": [
    "name": "Backendless",
    "location": "2591 Dallas Pkwy #300, Frisco, TX 75034, USA",
    "metrics": {
        "employeesRange": "51-250",
        "marketCap": null,
        "fiscalYearEnd": null,
        "trafficRank": "high",
        "alexaGlobalRank": 96929,
        "raised": null,
        "estimatedAnnualRevenue": "$10M-$50M",
        "employees": 60,
        "alexaUsRank": null,
        "annualRevenue": null
    "category": {
        "subIndustry": "Internet Software & Services",
        "naics6Codes": [],
        "gicsCode": null,
        "sicCode": "48",
        "industry": "Internet Software & Services",
        "sector": "Information Technology",
        "sic4Codes": [],
        "industryGroup": "Software & Services",
        "naicsCode": "51"

Codeless Reference

Codeless Clearbit Company API service example

Combined API

This API combines the power of Clearbit’s Person and Company APIs, allowing you to retrieve detailed information about both an individual and their associated company in a single request. Basically, this operation returns two objects (Person and Company) in one, significantly extending provided information.



Endpoint URL:

The xxxx.backendless.app is a subdomain assigned to your application. For more information see the Client-side Setup section of the Backendless documentation.


Request Headers:


Request Body:


Response Body:

A JSON object containing information related to the requested individual and the associated company.


email – Required parameter. String value. The email address of the person you want to retrieve information about. Clearbit will use this email to look up additional details such as social profiles, job titles, and company information.

givenName – Optional parameter. String value. The given name (i.e. first name) of the person. This can be used in combination with other parameters to narrow down the search results.

familyName – Optional parameter. String value. The family name (i.e. last name) of the person. This can be used in combination with other parameters to narrow down the search results. Significantly improves match rates.

ipAddress – Optional parameter. String value. The IP address of the person which is used to determine the person’s location and provide additional details based on geography. Significantly improves match rates.

location – Optional parameter. String value. The location of the person. This can be specified as a city or country.

company – Optional parameter. String value. The name of the company that the person you want to retrieve information about is associated with. This can be used to look up all individuals associated with that company.

companyDomain – Optional parameter. String value. The domain name of the company that the person you want to retrieve information about is associated with. This can be used to look up all individuals associated with that company, and can be a more reliable identifier than the company name.

linkedIn – Optional parameter. String value. The LinkedIn URL of the person you want to retrieve information about. Can be used to look up additional details about the professional background of an individual.

twitter – Optional parameter. String value. The Twitter handle (i.e. @bobby) of the person you want to retrieve information about. Can use this to look up additional details about the person’s social media presence.

facebook – Optional parameter. String value. The Facebook URL of the person you want to retrieve information about. Can be used to look up additional details about the person’s social media presence.


The example below runs the enrichment procedure using the provided email address mark@backendless.com and the company name Backendless to obtain additional information about both entities.

curl -X "GET" "https://xxxxx.backendless.app/api/services/Clearbit/combinedEnrichment?email=mark@backendless.com&company=Backendless" \

-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

The operation returns an object containing additional information and also it saves this object to the ClearbitPeople data table.

    "person": {
        "indexedAt": "2023-04-14T15:03:38.331Z",
        "github": {
            "followers": 14,
            "following": 0,
            "handle": "markpiller",
            "company": "Backendless",
            "id": 120929,
            "avatar": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/120929?v=4",
            "blog": "backendless.com"
        "utcOffset": -5,
        "facebook": {
            "handle": null
        "timeZone": "America/Chicago",
        "bio": null,
        "avatar": "https://d1ts43dypk8bqh.cloudfront.net/v1/avatars/7b3b6c05-db4c-4742-bd81-60003b09751b",
        "employment": {
            "role": "leadership",
            "domain": "backendless.com",
            "name": "Backendless",
            "subRole": "founder",
            "title": "Founder",
            "seniority": "executive"
        "linkedin": {
            "handle": "in/markpiller"
        "clearbitId": "7b3b6c05-db4c-4742-bd81-60003b09751b",
        "geo": {
            "country": "United States",
            "lng": -96.79698789999999,
            "city": "Dallas",
            "countryCode": "US",
            "stateCode": "TX",
            "state": "Texas",
            "lat": 32.7766642
        "site": "http://backendless.com",
        "twitter": {
            "favorites": null,
            "site": null,
            "followers": null,
            "following": null,
            "bio": null,
            "statuses": null,
            "handle": null,
            "location": null,
            "id": null,
            "avatar": null
        "emailProvider": false,
        "gravatar": {
            "urls": [],
            "handle": "markpiller",
            "avatar": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/cb5cb6d5dc95c423d6619557e5404fc5",
            "avatars": [
                    "type": "thumbnail",
                    "url": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/cb5cb6d5dc95c423d6619557e5404fc5"
        "name": {
            "givenName": "Mark",
            "familyName": "Piller",
            "fullName": "Mark Piller"
        "location": "Dallas, TX, US",
        "email": "mark@backendless.com",
        "fuzzy": false,
        "googleplus": {
            "handle": null
    "company": {
        "parent": {
            "domain": null
        "description": "Backendless visual app development platform featuring UI Builder, database, and backend with Codeless logic and APIs - no code required.",
        "ultimateParent": {
            "domain": null
        "linkedin": {
            "handle": "company/backendless-corp"
        "type": "private",
        "foundedYear": 2012,
        "legalName": null,
        "geo": {
            "country": "United States",
            "streetName": "Dallas Parkway",
            "subPremise": "300",
            "lng": -96.8250468,
            "streetNumber": "2591",
            "streetAddress": "2591 Dallas Parkway #300",
            "city": "Frisco",
            "countryCode": "US",
            "postalCode": "75034",
            "stateCode": "TX",
            "state": "Texas",
            "lat": 33.0997979
        "twitter": {
            "site": "https://t.co/YSrZrmipx3",
            "followers": 1628,
            "following": 143,
            "bio": "Build faster, scale infinitely with the most robust visual app development platform. UI Builder, APIs, real-time database, & more, coding optional. Start free!",
            "handle": "Backendless",
            "location": "Cloud",
            "id": "715489592",
            "avatar": "https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1497633925941932037/1hwH6ML0_normal.png"
        "emailProvider": false,
        "logo": "https://logo.clearbit.com/backendless.com",
        "tech": [
        "indexedAt": "2023-04-26T09:18:56.816Z",
        "ticker": null,
        "utcOffset": -5,
        "identifiers": {
            "usEIN": null
        "facebook": {
            "handle": "backendless",
            "likes": 2681
        "timeZone": "America/Chicago",
        "domainAliases": [
        "clearbitId": "d1774122-b917-4370-9ce4-9fdee63fc68d",
        "tags": [
            "Information Technology & Services",
        "crunchbase": {
            "handle": "organization/backendless"
        "site": {
            "emailAddresses": [
            "phoneNumbers": [
                "+1 408-792-7757"
        "phone": null,
        "domain": "backendless.com",
        "techCategories": [
        "name": "Backendless",
        "location": "2591 Dallas Pkwy #300, Frisco, TX 75034, USA",
        "metrics": {
            "employeesRange": "51-250",
            "marketCap": null,
            "fiscalYearEnd": null,
            "trafficRank": "high",
            "alexaGlobalRank": 96929,
            "raised": null,
            "estimatedAnnualRevenue": "$10M-$50M",
            "employees": 60,
            "alexaUsRank": null,
            "annualRevenue": null
        "category": {
            "subIndustry": "Internet Software & Services",
            "naics6Codes": [],
            "gicsCode": null,
            "sicCode": "48",
            "industry": "Internet Software & Services",
            "sector": "Information Technology",
            "sic4Codes": [],
            "industryGroup": "Software & Services",
            "naicsCode": "51"

Codeless Reference

Codeless Clearbit Combined API service example

Prospector API

Prospector API is designed to help users find and fetch contact information associated with a company, employment role, seniority, job title, and location. By specifying a company domain, job title and other details, users can retrieve a list of contacts that match their criteria. Each contact in the list comes with relevant details like name, email address, phone number, job title, and more, enabling users to create targeted and effective outreach campaigns.



Endpoint URL:

The xxxx.backendless.app is a subdomain assigned to your application. For more information see the Client-side Setup section of the Backendless documentation.


Request Headers:


Request Body: 


Response Body:

A JSON object containing contacts associated with the requested company.


domain – Required parameter. String value. The domain name of the company to search for contacts.

roles – Optional parameter. A list of string values. A list of the employment roles to search for. For instance: ["marketing", "engineering", “production”].

seniorities – Optional parameter. A list of string values. A list of the seniority levels to search for. For instance: ["manager", "junior", “ceo”].

titles – Optional parameter. A list of string values. A list of the job titles to search for. For instance: ["developer", "analyst"].

cities – Optional parameter. A list of string values. A list of the cities where a person lives. For instance: ["Los Angeles", "San Diego"].

countries – Optional parameter. A list of string values. A list of the countries where a person lives. For instance: ["USA", "Italy"].

name – Optional parameter. String value. Represents the name of the contact to search for.

query – Optional parameter. String value. Represents the full search query to execute. Refer to the official documentation to learn more about the query format.

page – Optional parameter. Integer value. The page number to retrieve from the search results. (defaults to 1)

pageSize – Optional parameter. Integer value. The number of results to include per page. (defaults to 5, max is 20).

suppression – Optional parameter. Boolean value. Indicates whether to exclude previously seen results from the search.


The example below runs the enrichment procedure using the provided company domain name https://clearbit.com and also a list of roles ["marketing", "engineering"] to search for. The operation returns a list containing contacts and their personal details.

curl -X "GET" https://xxxxx.backendless.app/api/services/Clearbit/prospector?domain=https://clearbit.com&roles=["leadership", "production"]" \
         -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
         -H 'Accept: application/json'

The result of the operation is returned and saved to the ClearbitPeople data table.

    "page": 1,
    "page_size": 5,
    "total": 723,
    "results": [
        "id": "7416592A-A0D5-4AE5-ACB0-03156E444E9C",
        "name": {
          "givenName": "Harlow",
          "familyName": "Ward",
          "fullName": "Harlow Ward"
        "title": "Co Founder at Clearbit",
        "role": "leadership",
        "subRole": "founder",
        "seniority": "executive",
        "company": {
          "name": "Clearbit"
        "email": "harlow@clearbit.com",
        "verified": true,
        "phone": "+1 415-555-1212"

Codeless Reference

Codeless Clearbit Prospector API service example