
Unlimited API Calls for your Backendless mBaaS backend

by on February 24, 2015

As I am continuing my endeavor to describe all Backendless features, I wanted to step back and look at it differently. Not at the micro-technical level where I typically show an API or something you can do in our console, but something more fundamental. Something that differentiates Backendless in its core.

There is one thing we hear very frequently from the customers who switched to Backendless from other mBaaS platforms. Yes, they do talk about pathetic customer support that Parse provides or the lack of usability of Kinvey, but there is one thing our customers absolutely love – unlimited API calls.

To many, this may not even sound like a technical feature. And, yes, it is a business value proposition. However, it is by far one of the most complex technical features we have to offer. Being able to manage computing resources to provide such a guarantee is not easy, but we figured out how, and we’re doing it. So yes, please enjoy your unlimited API calls with Backendless – we’re happy to have you as a customer.

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