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Creating API Service

  1. Register and login to your Backendless account at Click the Business Logic icon.
  2. The API SERVICES section is selected by default. Click the "+" icon and select CODELESS.
  3. Enter TimeService into the Service Name field and click SAVE. Backendless creates a service definition and wil prompt you to create the first method.
  4. Enter the values as shown below, specifically:

    getServerTime for Method Name,
    GET for REST Operation,
    /servertime for REST Route

    Click SAVE to create the method:
  5. Backendless creates codeless method declaration and displays the main anchor block. Click the EDIT button to edit the method's logic:
  6. Backendless opens Codeless Logic Designer, which is a visual environment for creating logic for your service's method. The service appears in the BROWSER panel located on the right side of the screen. The logic is composed using "blocks". All blocks are grouped into categories, which are listed on the left side of the screen. The central area contains the root block of the getServerTime method. This block cannot be removed and it will contain the logic of the method. It also contains a special return connector which is used to identify the value returned from the method.
  7. This guide does not go into a lot of details on learning blocks and composing logic. Instead it will walk you through specific steps for composing a minimalistic service logic.

    Click the Date category under SYSTEM and drag and drop the Date Now block into the main (central) editing area. Snap the Date Now block to the return connector of the root block:
  8. Click the DEPLOY button to deploy the logic changes. Backendless deploys the logic and confirms with a status popup in the upper right corner of the browser.
  9. Click the CLOSE button to return to the API Services screen. At this point the service is ready for invocations.