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Quick Start Guide

This Quick Start guide will walk you through the process of creating a Backendless API service by editing the service code online using Backendless Console. By the time you finish the guide, you will have a working API service hosted in Backendless. You will be able to experience REST-based method invocations and download generated client SDKs.

  1. Create a Backendless account if you do not have one. You can register for your free account at
  2. Login to Backendless Console and select your app.
  3. Click the Business Logic icon to enter the server-side code management area.
  4. Click the CODING menu item and select JS from the language dropdown list as shown below:
  5. Right click the services node in the tree and select New file.
  6. Enter a name for the JS file which will contain the service code. For example, MyService.js and click CREATE:
  7. Backendless creates the file and opens it for editing. Paste the following code into the file editor:

    class MyService {
       * @param {String} name
      helloWorld( name ) {
       return "hello " + name;
    Backendless.ServerCode.addService( MyService );

  8. The code above is a JavaScript class (MyService) with a method (helloWorld). Notice the @param annotation in the JS code comment. The annotation describes to Backendless the type(s) for the method argument(s). Click the Save and Deploy icon/button to deploy the code to Backendless.

  9. Once the code is deployed, Backendless Console will inform you with a notification popup in the upper right corner:
  10. Click API SERVICES to switch to the service browser screen. The MyService service will appear in the list with the first method selected. Enter a value for the name parameter and click INVOKE. The service method is invoked and console displays the result in the RESPONSE panel:
  11. Click CODE to see a cURL command to invoke the method with the entered values of the parameter. You can copy the entire text of the command and paste in a terminal window to run it outside of the browser:
  12. Additionally, Backendless generates various client SDKs for the API service. You can learn how to use the generated SDKs in the Client SDKs section.