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Database Event Handlers

Save New Object API


*argument blocks: *

Request Item - object to be saved in the Backendless database.


return value block:

Response Item - object saved in the Backendless database.

Update Existing Object API


*argument blocks: *

Request Item - an existing object to be updated in the Backendless database.


return value block:

Response Item - object updated in the Backendless database.

Delete Object API


*argument blocks: *

Request ItemId - objectId of the object to be deleted in the database.


return value block:

Response Result - a timestamp when the object was deleted.

Find Object by ID


*argument blocks: *

Request ItemId - objectId of the object to retrieve from the database

Request ItemRelations - a collection of related properties to initialize and return along with the parent object.


return value block:

Response Item - object retrieved from the database.

Find Objects with a Query


*argument blocks: *

Request Query - a query object with the data retrieval properties (whereclause, sorting options, paging options, relations, relations depth)


return value block:

Response Result - a collection of objects matching the request query.

Find First Object in the Table


*argument blocks: *



return value block:

Response Result - the first object in the table

Find Last Object in the Table


*argument blocks: *



return value block:

Response Result - the last object in the table

Get Schema for a Table


*argument blocks: *

Request ItemName - name of the table to get the schema definition of.


return value block:

Response ItemProperties - a collection of objects describing table's columns. For the details on the response see the Retrieving Schema Definition section in the REST API documentation.

Load Object's Relations API


*argument blocks: *

Request Item Id - objectId of the parent object.

Request Entity Name - name of the table where the parent object is stored.

Request Item Relation - name of the relation to retrieve.


return value block:

Response Result - a collection of child objects for the identified parent object and the named relation column.

Update Multiple Objects API


*argument blocks: *

Request WhereClause - the whereClause statement defining the condition for the objects which must be updated.

Request Changes - an object containing property values which will be applied to all objects matching the provided whereClause.


return value block:

Response Result - number of updated objects.

Remove Multiple Objects API


*argument blocks: *

Request WhereClause - the whereClause statement defining the condition for the objects which must be deleted.


return value block:

Response Result - number of deleted objects.

Get the Number of Objects in a Table API


*argument blocks: *

Request Query - the whereClause statement defining the condition for the objects to be counted. If the condition is not specified, the API will count all objects in the table.


return value block:

Response Result - object count

Get the Object Count for a Table/Query API


*argument blocks: *

Request Query - the whereClause statement defining the condition for the objects to be counted. If the condition is not specified, the API will count all objects in the table.


return value block:

Response Result - object count

Add Related Child Objects to a Parent API


*argument blocks: *

Request ParentObjectId - objectId of the parent object in the relation.

Request Column Name - specification of the relation column name. Includes name of the 'child' data table, column name and cardinality in the following format columnName:childTableName:cardinality. The cardinality parameter is expressed as 1 for a one-to-one relation or n for a one-to-many relation.

Request Children Array OR Where Clause - either a collection of child object IDs or a whereClause identifying the objects in the child table which should be added to the relation.


return value block:

Response Result - number of objects added to the relation

Set Related Objects for a Parent API


*argument blocks: *

Request ParentObjectId - objectId of the parent object in the relation.

Request Column Name - specification of the relation column name. Includes name of the 'child' data table, column name and cardinality in the following format columnName:childTableName:cardinality. The cardinality parameter is expressed as 1 for a one-to-one relation or n for a one-to-many relation.

Request Children Array OR Where Clause - either a collection of child object IDs or a whereClause identifying the objects in the child table which should be set in the relation.


return value block:

Response Result - number of objects set for the relation

**Delete Child Objects from a Relation **


*argument blocks: *

Request ParentObjectId - objectId of the parent object in the relation.

Request Column Name - name of the related column.

Request Children Array OR Where Clause - either a collection of child object IDs or a whereClause identifying the objects in the child table which should be deleted from the relation.


return value block:

Response Result - number of objects deleted from the relation