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Block Reference Overview

Blocks is the foundation of the Backendless Codeless system. A single block represents one of the following:

a logical operation;
a programmable loop, which is a construct allowing to repeat one or more operations multiple times;
a scalar value (number, boolean, string, date)
a collection of values;
an object, which is a collection of properties. Each property has a name and a corresponding value. The value can be a scalar, a list or an object;
a variable which can be assigned a value;
a math operation (addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, power of, square root, etc);
a trigonometry function (sine, cosine, tangent, cotangent, etc);
a string operation (to upper case, to lower case, substring, etc);
a Backendless API call - there is a block for every single API available from Backendless;
an API Service method - every single API service available in the app is represented by a block;
a custom function;

Block Categories

All available blocks are grouped into categories in Logic Designer:


  • Most frequent - a dynamic group of most frequently used blocks. Can be used as a shortcut to find/get most frequently used blocks.
  • Custom Functions - contains library functions, which are general purpose custom blocks created for reusability. See Function Library for details.
  • API SERVICES - contains a list of API Services deployed into the backend application. Each API Service category contains blocks representing its operations. As an example, the image above shows two API Services - "SampleService" and "CodelessShoppingCartService".
  • UI Library - a collection of methods that allow interacting with: web pages, components, events, native methods, event listeners, and component styles.

SYSTEM blocks

Blocks for executing conditional operations. Such as if/then, comparisons, negation, and the ternary operator.
Blocks for creating loops.
Blocks for date-related operations.
Blocks for creating new objects, retrieving and setting object's properties.
Math-related operations.
Text-related operations (literal string values, concatenation, upper/lower case, substrings, length, etc.
Operations on lists and collection of data.
Blocks for declaring a new variable, assigning a value to a variable, retrieving variable's value.
Blocks for creating and using inner scope functions.


Users API
Blocks for using Backendless Users API providing the functionality for registering app users, login, logout, password recovery, etc.
Data API
Blocks for working with the Backendless database.
Messaging API
Blocks for publish/subscribe messaging and push notifications.
Geolocation blocks - creating and retrieving geo points, geo searches.
File API
Blocks for working with Backendless Hosting - creating, copying, renaming and deleting files and directories. Retrieving directory listings.
Logging API
Block for logging a message in the Backendless log file.
Counter API
Blocks for working with the server-side (centralized) counters.
Cache API
Blocks for storing and retrieving data from the server-side cache.
Network API
Blocks for creating HTTP/HTTPS requests and retrieving content from a remote resource.

UI Library blocks

App Router
Blocks for interacting with web pages.
Device API
Blocks for getting information about the device where the app is running. Also there are a few APIs that allow interacting with UI components.
Blocks for event-based operations.
Native API
Blocks for transferring data between the client application and the native wrapper.
Blocks for interacting with components.