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Events and Handlers

The Slider component has the following events and handlers available for use:


On Change Event
Triggers when the component's state value changes.
On Visibility Change
Gets activated when the visibility state of the component is altered. You can use this event to define actions that need to take place when the component becomes visible or hidden.


Class List Logic
This logic involves modifying the CSS classes associated with the component dynamically.
Styles Logic
Allows you to change the styles of the component dynamically.
Visibility Logic
Allows controlling the visibility of the component based on certain conditions. You can use this event to show or hide the component depending on user actions or other factors. If the handler returns true, the component will be visible.
Name Logic
Sets the slider name dynamically.
Value Logic
Determines the value of the component. The input value is what the user enters or with this handler your logic can define it.
Disabled State Logic
Determines if the component should be disabled. If the handler returns true, the component will be disabled.