JS Coderunner Settings
Cached Workers Count¶
Defines the maximum number of worker threads that can remain cached after completing their tasks. A positive value keeps workers in a ready state, enabling them to quickly handle new tasks with preloaded code, which can significantly reduce execution delays.
Specifying value 0
disables the caching workers feature and after executing such workers will be immediately removed
Configuration Property Path | Type | Default Value | Example |
config/coderunner/js/workers/cache/limit |
Number | config/coderunner/js/workers/cache/limit = 10 |
Concurrent Workers Count¶
Sets the upper limit on the number of worker threads that can operate at the same time. This controls how many tasks can be processed simultaneously, balancing performance and system resource usage to prevent overloading.
Configuration Property Path | Type | Default Value | Example |
config/coderunner/js/workers/concurrent |
Number | 4 |
config/coderunner/js/workers/concurrent = 10 |
Predefined Workers Count¶
Specifies the number of worker threads that will start in an idle state, ready to process tasks immediately. This ensures a minimum number of workers are always available without waiting for initialization, which can reduce latency for new incoming tasks.
Configuration Property Path | Type | Default Value | Example |
config/coderunner/js/workers/minIdle |
Number | 4 |
config/coderunner/js/workers/minIdle = 10 |
Cached Workers TTL (Time-to-Live )¶
Sets the time-to-live (TTL) in seconds for idle cached worker threads. After this time, any workers that remain idle without receiving new tasks are terminated, freeing up resources while maintaining efficiency for workloads that fluctuate over time.
Configuration Property Path | Type | Default Value | Example |
config/coderunner/js/workers/cachedIdleTTL |
Number | config/coderunner/js/workers/cachedIdleTTL = 180 |